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Association 2019


Scroll down through this year’s letters…


Post-meeting fruitage


May 30, 2019


Dear People,In the spirit of Association as something that continues throughout the year, here’s a bit of post-meeting fruitage from one of our members.Always feel free to write or call.With love, Caryl


I am so grateful for Association!  It always motivates me to focus on what’s really important.  It’s a demonstration each year just to get here, but so worth it!  I feel like I’m surrounded by people who are very supportive, and accept and respect each other’s individual journeys in our study of Christian Science.


And, I always make progress!


I had a wonderful breakthrough this time while reading the address Sunday.  Ever since Mom passed, I’ve had people tell me how the qualities she expressed, the love she expressed, can’t go away.  They are God’s qualities.  I cannot be deprived of them.  Those blessings will come from new places, I just need to be aware of that, and look for them.


That’s a nice thought, I know it’s correct, and I’ve tried to do that.  But it just hasn’t seemed to work very well.


At one point in my read, I suddenly had a realization:  the love I felt from Mom was ALWAYS God’s.  It NEVER originated from a person!  So of course I can’t be deprived of it.  Even though Mom was the person who expressed it best in my life, it was never tied to her.  It’s always with me.


That was a real turning point.  I feel much better.


Last year I was able to spend the night with my great aunt in Indianapolis on my way home, as well as some other people; but she moved to Boston (which felt like yet another loss).  But I realized I dreaded going home, knowing Mom wasn’t there.  I really didn’t want to go back to that “reality.”  This year I didn’t end up visiting anyone I’d hoped to (except those I stayed with), but that was okay.  It just didn’t work out, so I let it go.  And I didn’t feel that dread about getting home.  Instead, I felt good about getting back to work on things in my life.  And, I felt better than I ever have getting home from my long trip!


I still have a ways to go, but that realization gave me a major boost.  I’m so grateful for our Association, and each and every person involved with it!

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