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March 3, 2024


Dear People,

Mind’s provision for this year’s address is unfolding. It is always exciting to find, year after year, inspiration and revelation arriving to meet our needs. I am awed and grateful, as ever, and I’m greatly looking forward to seeing you all in May.

This morning’s Bible Lesson included the story of Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness. After 40 days of fasting, comes the devil’s very reasonable suggestion: “Turn these stones to bread!”. The implication is that first we must take care of matter and material conditions. Then we can think about spiritual things; the supposed “icing on the cake” of a material life.

But Jesus reverses this: ““It takes more than bread to stay alive. It takes a steady stream of words from God’s mouth.” (Matthew 4:4, The Message). The Message isn’t a word for word translation, but the spirit of this rings a bell. Life is much more than the management of material conditions, it is found in spiritual sense, in Mrs. Eddy’s words, “…a conscious, constant capacity to understand God.” (SH 209:31).

For many of us, this is the time of year when we start thinking about getting to Association. That conscious capacity, natural to us all, is most needed! “Turn these stones to bread” says the tempter. That is: "Manage material conditions to fulfil a personal obligation.” And then come mortal mind’s rebuttals: Bad timing, inconvenient, too much trouble, I’m not up to it, it’s not that important, I’ve missed so many, what’s another? too expensive… ad infinitum.


But Association is all about coming home, refreshing and revitalizing our spiritual sense; inspiring our fellow students and being inspired. What God says is: This, this is most important. Mind unfolds, Soul provides, Spirit inspires - be there!


For all of us, this is the time of year to get serious about the assignment (if you haven’t already). If you devote yourself to the work now, Association will begin now and bear fruit right away. The tempter says, “It’s like a homework paper, it can wait” when actually the assignment is Mind’s gift; an open doorway leading to spiritual sense and a deepened sense of God’s presence and power. Like Mrs. Eddy’s command to Judge Hannah to pray for himself before setting about his day’s business, taking up this work will profit you in ways you can scarcely imagine.

Our Leader puts it better than I ever could:

"What will you do about it? ... Will you doff your lavender-kid zeal, and become real and consecrated warriors? Will you give yourselves wholly and irrevocably to the great work of establishing the truth, the gospel, and the Science which are necessary to the salvation of the world from error, sin, disease, and death? Answer at once and practically, and answer aright!" (Mis. 177:13 (only), 14)

So take the gloves off and begin opening this divine gift:


1) Please read (or listen to) Mary Baker Eddy Christian Healer expanded edition by Yvonne Caché von Fettweis and Robert Townsend Warneck, Amplification by Robert Townsend Warneck

Read (or listen) to Parts One and Two, and Appendix A twice.

You can listen to the book on the JSH website or purchase it on Audible

As you go, please make notes on anything that you wish to apply to your practice.

2) Apply what you have noted to your own daily practice and then report back in writing about the result.

3) Please inform us when you have submitted a testimony to the Christian Science Publishing Society for publication. After last year’s meeting you all have testimonies to share. Please take the time and make the effort to contribute to Church in this way.

Here’s the link to JSH submissions:

JSH Submissions - JSH-Online

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