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Writer's pictureEddie Cox

Association Assignment for 2025

Dear People,

In class and in past Association meetings, I’ve shared this statement from Mrs. Eddy’s message to the March Primary Class of 1889:

"We, to-day, in this class-room, are enough to convert the world if we are of one Mind; for then the whole world will feel the influence of this Mind; as when the earth was without form, and Mind spake and form appeared.” (Mis. 279:27)

The boldness, the accuracy, and the simple truth of that claim came home to me last week as I stood in the parlor of the house in Lynn, Massachusetts where Mrs. Eddy taught her first classes.

The docent asked us how many students we thought would fit in that room and people guessed that perhaps you could squeeze in nine.

The first class fit in the chairs you see. But just a few months after Mrs. Eddy first began teaching, they managed to get 18 into that little room. Not long after they had to move to a hall and then a few months after that to a larger hall to accommodate all the people who wanted to hear Mrs. Eddy speak.

I found myself thinking of our own “little room” in Madison and of the 13 students and guests who sat together at the Student Center, of the timeless Truth we drank in and joyfully received. "We, to-day, in this class-room, are enough to convert the world…” Because what naturally follows the reception of Christ, Truth and Love is a sharing of that joy, with truth and love.

Truth and Love are the stone dropped in a pond that sends out ripple upon ripple to the farthest shore. Your lives are those ripples and what you have to share is as momentous as the effect that came out of that room in Lynn.

The Truth is the same. The Christ message is unchanged. The Discovery is Reality itself. Our receptivity can never be obscured or diminished by time or mortal mind’s claims of scientific materialism or scholastic theology.

At a lecture prep I was at last night, a church member asked, “Why don’t we have healing like in the old days?” I could have answered as Mother Church Director Keith Wommack did at Annual Meeting and simply have said: “We do!” But as our Association day demonstrated, it is not only the truth of the timelessness of Christ, but our alertness to reject the condemnation of the carnal mind that is needed.

Yes - there is clear evidence of healing - lots of it, all over the world, and with great effect. And yes, we can silence that tired old cant of mortal mind: “You can’t heal. You aren’t enough. Times are different.” - the same old song of Wormwood that has tried to leave out God through the ages by rejecting it. Animal magnetism can’t speak unless we loan it our lips, can’t persuade unless we provide our agreement. I think we are beginning to know better!

All that was present in that parlor in Lynn was present with us on North Mills Street and there is no authentic reason or authority that can keep us from advancing the Cause of Christian Science; God’s present and powerful goodness for all, with our love of Truth, our love of humanity, and our God-given desire to share the blessing of spiritual sense.

This may be the earliest an Association assignment has ever arrived, but Mind delivered it unmistakably today and so I am sharing it with you now so we can get started on meeting the divine demand!

Association Assignment 2025

  • Attached below you will find a PDF of the list of “Dailies” you received in class (also a PDF of the little booklet I shared with you).

  • Pick one and put it into daily practice.

  • Do this faithfully for two months and send in a report of the results on your practice and your life.

  • Then you will choose another “Daily” and do the same thing. We’ll keep that up until next summer’s Association.

This is not an assignment that can be left until the last minute. How ingenious of Love to provide us with a duty that must be done every day in order to fulfill the demand. Nothing less than daily attention to this work will do. And how prescient of Mind to inspire me to give you all those little Daily booklets at our meeting. Should you choose one from the booklet, you can keep it with you all day, every day, to refer to and refresh yourself with.

"Doing our dailies” is more than simply reading the words of these demands. It requires embracing the world behind the words, the realness of God, the reality of our relationship with Life, Truth, and Love, and putting all that into practice in our lives (no Silos!).

If you have any questions about what you’re being asked to do, please get in touch right away! And get started right away. I look forward to your demonstrations!

And - for your calendars:

  • Association 2025 will take place on Sunday, August 24, 9 a.m. at the Christian Science Student Center at 315 North Mills Street, Madison.

  • The previous year’s address will be available to read at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday 8/23 in the library of the CSO.

with love,


p.s. Tim and Sally, I have included you in this message in case you might be interested in the continued unfolding of this Association. You are both warmly invited to attend in 2025 should you with to.

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