A week before Christmas I began experiencing flu-like symptoms, which continued on for the next several days. After having a lovely healing of the flu a month prior, I admit I was rather discouraged to be slumped in bed feeling ill all over again, so I set about treating myself and working with the Lesson. One morning I tuned in to the continual audio loop of Science and Health on my iPhone (http://www.spirituality.com/science-and-health/audio-new-window.jhtml). When I hit the 'play' button, the chapter on Physiology was being read aloud . Never before has the chapter brought me so much inspiration! Since reading many biographies of Mary Baker Eddy earlier in the year, I've been much more aware and in awe of Mrs. Eddy's profound love for her patients and students when studying her writings. Her love particularly struck me when I listened to Mrs. Eddy's two accounts of healing the woman with consumption and Mr. Clark in Lynn. It moved me to ponder how it must have felt to be a patient in Mrs. Eddy's presence. I thought about her grace, her expression of womanhood, and her strength. It was particularly evident to me just how essential Love's role is in healing, and how Mrs. Eddy's expression of divine Love brought immediate healing. I was so inspired and uplifted by that understanding of Love that everything else in the room just faded away! At that moment I knew clearly I was completely well. It was the truest sense of wellness that I felt. Far beyond feeling humanly better, it was a strong conviction in the unchanging intactness of my being. I got out of bed, dressed, and carried on with the rest of my day with energy and enthusiasm.
I've since continued working with one citation in 'Physiology' that also resonated with me that morning: "A patient under the influence of mortal mind is healed only by removing the influence on him of this mind, by emptying his thought of the false stimulus and reaction of will-power and filling it with the divine energies of Truth." (185:32 - 4 p.186) At the time I focused more on the first half of the sentence—there was an obvious connection between the belief of influenza and 'the influence of mortal mind' I had to removed. Now I am focusing more on second half of the sentence; How am I filling thought with the 'divine energies of Truth'? Am I removing all willpower? Am I denouncing its seeming power to react and stimulate thought? —These are the tasks at hand! I'm so grateful for the opportunity to demonstrate further the efficacy of Christian Science healing.